Wednesday, August 8, 2007

blog prompt..your closest childhood friend-and what was she like?

Joy Kuoha from has started a thread about our closest childhood friend-and what was she like?

I would have to say my closest friend would have to be Edlena Ellison...our fathers were stationed in was a hard move for me at 10 yrs old..leaving everyone and everything i knew behind state side...i didnt know anyone or how to speak the language...until i met edlena..she was german and african american...her mother was german and made sure she didnt loose her edlena spoke german and that was great...we lived in the same town about a mile away from each other...we would walk back and forth to each others couldnt seperate us if you tried...we did everything together..germany is a beautiful country to live in..we rode our bikes every where that was the main source of transportation...we would go to neighboring towns and look at the beautiful country side...our main thing to do together would be to go swimming...there are amazing amount of swimming pools and outdoor swimming pools that looked like a golf was the most popular thing to do..we would go everyday we could...after swimming there was always a fest going on in our town or neighboring towns...thats where we would was great her grandfather would come and visit and take us to the guesthouse is the english way to say it but it was more like a bar...her grandfather would order german beer for us and we thought that was so is not like the states...getting together eating and drinking was a daily thing in our everyone could wind down from a hard days of work..the food was always so good..we did everything together...then my step father got orders to move again and i had to say good bye to my best friend...since they were in different fields in the miltary we didnt get staioned in the same place again...we wrote to each other often but then we just grew sad she was a great friend and i will never forget her...thanks for the great blog prompt joy it brought back great memories that i havent thought of for awhile...


heather said...

Your story sounds like there was no much freedom to roam around and enjoy the countryside together - sounds great!!

Melissa said...

Loved hearing about your friend. What a blessing to find a friend like that so far from home.

Jeepie said...

There is something so special about childhood friends.

Anonymous said...

Oh what lovely memories you have of your friend... thanks for sharing!