Saturday, August 11, 2007

August 11th blog prompt

todays blog prompt hosted by joy kuoha at is : "What are 2 everyday items you cant live without?'
wow i would have to say my 2 most important items would have to be my computer of course and my vaccum i have to small children who seem to invent new messes everyday..i would have to say my vaccum is the hardest working appliance in my home...thanks for another great question joy...flora


The Mini Mum said...

LOL I rarely use my vaccuum! Probably should though... and I forgot about the computer LOL

Melissa said...

Luckily we don't have carpet so I can sweep a lot of the time. I'm with you on the computer.

heather said...

Of course, the computer! I know what you mean about the vacumn... mine really needs to come out every second day with my messy boys, especially Harvey who drops crumbs like crazy.